130706 What Eunhyuk Said about ELF Only13 Petition

(Disclaimer: May not be every word said but most of the announcement)

I came out here again because I have something to say. Since everyone will be taking fancam so I hope this will get out to Korean fans and fans from all over the world.

Recently I heard about bad things happening between our fans so I thought I should come out and explain.

Zhoumi and Henry are not official members of Super Junior. However Zhoumi and Henry are official members of SJM. We worked together for so long and we grew to have feelings with each other already, like family.

There won’t be official activities with zhoumi and Henry.
Please don’t have any misunderstandings but please still keep supporting them.

As for the part about standing together on stage for SS5, there’s no other meanings. As we were having concerts we were in the same waiting room, and they also waited in the waiting room. They look lonely waiting in the waiting room and they wanted to stand on stage and perform for everyone too.

So please look after them with a warm heart and please support henry and zhoumi in their SJM activities.
Video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2F-T5_O3fU

Shared at sup3rjunior.com


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